Sep 21, 2010

CLEP Testing

Hi! My name is Chrissie and this year, my son Brit is going to start CLEP testing as part of his high school curriculum. Since I have to teach him, I wanted to open it up to anyone who wants to come and take it as well. This would include adults as well as students.

The first course we will be doing is General College Mathematics. The College Mathematics examination covers material generally taught in a college course for non-mathematics majors and majors in fields not requiring knowledge of advanced mathematics. This will cover the Math 101 requirement for a general college. 

Be aware, however, that Running Start will not accept CLEP scores. This is due to the fact that the government pays for all the Running Start classes, and that was a requirement of the government. This CLEP is equal to the Compass or Asset testing that Skagit Valley College has each incoming student complete. You will have all the knowledge to pass the Compass or Asset test when you finish with this course. If you plan on attending SVC at any time - Running Start or otherwise - taking those tests would be very advantageous to do after completing this course.
- below are two links that will cover more in detail what this CLEP test covers.

This particular course will take 8 weeks to cover the materials with the test scheduled at the end. Location is yet to be determined, but there is no charge for the class except the cost of the test. This course will be held during the day, I cannot do evening classes at present. The only requirement I have for anyone wanting to take this course is the commitment to taking the CLEP at the end. It is prohibitive to go through this course and do all this work to not have a chance to pass the test at the end.

Start date will depend on the acquiring of a facility to hold the class in. I am hoping to start no later than the week of Sept 20, but again, that will depend on the availability of a facility in which to hold the class. There are several ideas on the wire right now, just have get the OK back!

This class should NOT take the place of the normal curriculum you teach during the year. For example, Brit will take this CLEP, but will continue to do a math curriculum (Algebra 2 for us) for the remainder of the year. That is, unless he is feeling that he could take another math-based CLEP test. Between times, he will continue to work on Algebra 2.

We will be testing at Grace Academy in Marysville - this is the closest testing facility to Mt. Vernon. The test costs approximately $77. If one chooses to take this CLEP and does not pass, you may not attempt another try for a minimum of 6 months. This is the CLEP center testing rules.

You do not have to be enrolled in a college to take CLEP tests. If you do not have a college to send the results to, then you may apply for a CLEP transcript and they will send you all your scores. At the time you enroll in a college, you may either present the college the transcript or have them apply for your CLEP transcript. Below is more on the scoring of a CLEP test.
Learn about the College Mathematics CLEP examination. Find information about the test, knowledge and skills required, and study resources. Order the Official CLEP Study Guide or download subject study guides from the store.

I think that's all. Thanks!! Chrissie

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